January of 2023 we welcomed Brenna Quan AIFD to Fleurs Creative studio and were thrilled to have her as a guest floral design instructor. Our mutual dear friend Shirley Burns of Flower Fort joined in as Brenna’s assistant and as the giggle maker for the day!
Brenna led the attendees in the creation of three artistic botanical pieces. The first piece explored movement and tension using natural & reusable materials. I found it fascinating to watch each student explore and tryout new mechanics, weaving and tension, the resulting movement in branches was fantastic.

What a terrific day at the workshop organized by @fleurs.creative with the very talented @brenna_quan and her assistant Shirley @flower_fort . We learned mechanics and put together a sturdy yet delicate structure from sticks and branches and, of course, flowered it all up...Just lovely!! Thank you to all the awesome ladies who put it together and all the participants!
Ioana Diaconu

With the workshop taking place close to Valentine’s day Brenna had the darling idea to have everyone create a heart shape out of branches and those hearts were then weaved into the large branch installation. So sweet to have a piece of each person included in the large design.

Thank you Brenna and Shirley for coming to Fleurs Creative and sharing your incredible creative spirits with all of us!
You are both the best!!
Thank you to the ladies who attended this special workshop, you were all joys to spend the day with!