This event has been postponed. Date to be announced soon.


Hellebores are one of the few, long-flowering Perennials that bloom in winter and early spring, adding much needed color to the darker time of year.

These beauties have captured the attention of cut flower growers and florists and the demand and enthusiasm is increasing due to exceptional Hellebores that plant breeders have introduced in recent years. These new varieties feature large, outward facing flowers, long and strong stems, a nice range of colors and fantastic vase life.

Pam Youngsman is the owner of PoppyStarts. Her company sells plugs, liners, bare root and bulbs to wholesale and cut flower growers. She has worked with Hellebores for over 20 years and designed this class for those who grow or are interested in growing Hellebores for cut flower use.

Join Pam as she shares her knowledge of Hellebores in the marketplace, favorite varieties for cut flowers and growing and harvesting information.


12:30 Arrive, meet & greet

1:00 Pam’s presentation on Growing Hellebores for Cut Flowers, followed by Q & A Session

  • Introduction to Pam and her background
  • Hellebore uses, pests and pollinators
  • Hellebore Categories
  • Selecting varieties for cut flowers and a progression of bloom
  • Growing information: from planting to harvest
  • Harvesting and cut flower tips
  • Q & A — Pam is happy to help answer all your questions and concerns with growing hellebores, please don’t hesitate to bring a list — She’s here to help!!

Who is this class best suited for: This particular class is geared towards cut flower farmers. We will be scheduling a class for the home gardener on a future date.

Growing hellebores for flower farmers in Washington state with Pamela Youngsman of Poppystarts
Helleborus Winter Jewels Sparkling Diamond - learn how to grow hellebores in Washington, flower farmers
Heuger Gold Collection Hellebore varieties - growing hellebores for flower farmers in Washington State
Green Jade Tiger Hellebore -- lecture on growing hellebores with Pamela Youngsman